
The Body Shop Down to Earth Glow Palette | REVIEW and SWATCHES

Kalo The Body Shop biasanya aku jagokan untuk produk-produk skin-care dan body butter-nya, kali ini aku mau bahas soal makeup products dari brand yang sudah cukup terkenal ini, secara bisa ditemukan hampir di semua mall di Indonesia ya..

Yuk langsung aja kita bahas tentang The Body Shop Down to Earth Glow Eye Palette ya!


Lancome Blanc Expert Compact Cushion | REVIEW

Perhaps it is a little bit late to review this Blanc Expert Lancome Compact Cushion here, because they have come up with the high-coverage one due to the overwhelming demand and request on having higher coverage than this one?

Maybe. But not to me, since i am a foundation-girl when it comes to certain events, so the cushion that i need more is for daily use, so this one is at the moment felt sufficient for me. Let's do a thorough review of this one then!


Nuxe Prodigieux le Parfum | REVIEW

I'm excited for my very first perfume review! I originally thought perfume cannot be reviewed.. I mean, how would you review a perfume, something that's rated by the smell, something intangible, cannot be seen?

But yes, i can do it now. Let me show you one of my most favorite perfume at the moment, Nuxe Prodigieux le Parfum. Scroll down to see why!


Benefit Defined and Refined Brows Kit | REVIEW

Benefit memang sudah gak diragukan lagi brow-products-nya. Sejak tahun berdirinya brand ini di tahun 1976, Benefit memang tidak pernah berhenti menghasilkan produk-produk untuk brows yang berkualitas, at least menurut aku ya. 

Pas banget aku dapet produknya yang Benefit Defined & Refined Brows Kit, kalau kalian penasaran apa aja isinya dan gimana kualitasnya, yuk aku bantu review ya buat kalian :)


The Body Shop Honey Mania Shower Gel | REVIEW

"Tiap hari ngurusin mukaaaaaaa terus, ngerawat badannya kapan?"

Karena udah keseringan ngobrolin makeup dan skin care yang biasanya ngebahas muka terus, kayaknya udah waktunya aku nge-review sesuatu yang pampering body and skin, ga melulu wajah aja. Ini dia nih produk yang mau aku review hari ini, The Body Shop Honey Mania Shower Gel.


Hello lovelies, thanks for visiting me!
Love for you all, Cells.